Thursday, July 29, 2010

My love for the Temple

So I know not so long ago I wrote about how I have changed by going to the Temple, but this week I realize how much I love the Temple. Monday I went to a YSA home evening where they talked about the symbolism of the outside of the Temple. I loved this even though for a few minutes I got a little sad and stupid for a silly reason about a stupid boy getting married there (not too happy with myself that i felt that way,but oh well), but snapped out of it to really look at the Temple. I loved learning more about all the details that this temple has. How it ties in with the Gospel. My heart and spirit was soaking it up and wanting to learn more. Yesterday I was driving to Jordan River Temple for my one of my twice a week sessions. There was a huge overcast in the sky and a tiny bit of light shone through. The only places in the valley the light touched was Oquirrah Mountain Temple and the Jordan River Temple. I thought how true that in darkness the Temple is where we can go for light we so desperately need sometimes. I am not in darkness anymore, but still appreciate that I can still feel that peace no matter what. That even though right now I am living in this light and I can feel it so much more ten fold. I also know when I am going to have more hard time that I can receive peace and comfort more than outside the temple. I didn't go once last week and I felt the difference that week. It wasn't like I was in despair but I felt like I didn't do something that makes me whole. Going to the Temple makes me feel whole and I am so grateful everyday that I made the changes I need to make and committed myself as much as I have because I have never felt so much joy. Looking forward to going a few times with my wonderful family and hopefully one day with the awesome man I am going to marry that is taking his sweet time to enter my life, but I am looking forward to when I can be sealed to him whoever he may be. So I will tone it down with the Temple talk because I know I talk about it a lot, but I truly do find joy because of it and I am all about spreading the joy!! I know this is why I am happier than ever. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to serve my Savior and I push myself to learn more and become stronger. I want to serve him well and do his work the best I can. I love my great life of love and service I get to have!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Things I am Grateful for

These last few months I have never been happier in my life. Ever since receiving my endowments I see life in a whole new way. I find joy in things so small. A few years ago I could never do that. I have a blessed life. I wanted to list some the things I have been grateful for.I cant list all because that is too much.

1.Being born in a family who had the Gospel. Though I didn't truly commit myself until recently, but I have had the complete truth from the beginning of my life. I was taught about my savior and knew of him. That has meant a lot to me even when I wasn't doing everything I was suppose to do.

2. My family. We are a good little family who are close and love one another. We love and accept each other for who we are. That is such an important thing.

3. Having the physical needs. I have a house, job, food, and a body. I truly have been blessed there at having these things. The house may not be a mansion, but i have a roof over my head. My job may not pay much, but it is a rewarding one and I feel I am pretty good at it. My body I haven't taken the best care of, but i am changing that. It is a gift and I want to take better care of this gift.As sore as I get I know that this is going to better in the long run.

4. That I made better choices now. I am glad to have had some of my darkest times in my life. It made me appreciate the light I am living in now. I had to have those dark days, make some of the bad choices to experience and soak up the joy I am having now. Doesn't mean i am never going to mess up again because I will, but not as drastic as before. I am grateful I am worthy to go to the Temple and never going to take that for granted. I know I am going to have more hardships, but I look at them as things I need to learn. It is not fun going through them, but the end I see why and am grateful to have learned that lesson.

5. I am grateful that I love. I love my family. I love my friends. I love children. I have loved so much already in this life. I am glad, even when I was heartbroken, that I can see that gift I have had to experience all these kinds of love. Love is such a wonderfully great thing that can easily be turned into bitterness. I hope I can always remember this.

I have a great life and it took me sadly a long time to realize this, but i do now. That is all that matters. I know that my Heavenly Father's love and faith in me has changed my life for the better. I am not the same person I was and I love that I wake up feeling his love for me. I wake up appreciating everything more and wanting to serve him well as much as possible. He has done more for me than I sometimes feel that I deserve, but I try everyday to make up for my wrongdoings from my past. I look forward to the future in serving him and living this great life he has given me the best I can. I am truly grateful to be alive.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Touched in the Heart by The Choir

So today I watched a show that comes from England. It is called The Choir and is about this young man who has a love for choir music. He wants to take a school in England that has no choir, train them, and enter them into the Choir Olympics in China. I am amazed at how the self esteem of children has gotten so bad. That these kids felt like no one believed in them and how that affects how they see themselves and how they live life. I watched how this one man who has had a pretty great life, been introduced to a lot of beautiful things in life and has a pretty busy life took the time to help these kids accomplish something they never thought possible. Just by believing in them changed their lives. They may not be the best singers ever or have a career in music, but he taught them the importance of believing in yourself and setting goals for yourself. That if you work hard and try your best, that you really can do anything. To have a good work ethic, team work, and believing in yourself, you can pretty much find joy even in the disappointments. I think we as a society don't help our children understand that and the importance of that value to have. That it is true in some things you do need to give up after a while, but not after you do everything that is possible to obtain it. So many people devalue their worth in life and give up. This breaks my heart. I know that if you have one person who truly believes in you, just one, that makes a difference in a child's life. I feel that this is so important and feel like I need to do something, but I don't know what I can do? Life is hard, but somehow we have lost teaching children how to deal with the up and downs. A lot of them feel entitled and don't want to work hard because what is the point. We need to fix this or we will have so many unhappy people in the future. Maybe I sound arrogant or not really aware of the world, but i am very passionate about this and feel I need to do something. I know I believe in me because my Heavenly Father does and through him and his support I can accomplish my desires and his will for me. I want to let others know this as well but also I want people who don't have the same beliefs as I do to feel that great feeling of believing in themselves. Everyone deserves to feel their worth in this life if they believe in Jesus Christ or not. They still need to know their worth in this life. Everyone has great potential no matter where you come from. It is up to us to help children to know this, but it is also up to them realize that and work at it. Even if we get a few that learn this then it has been worth it. I feel like I need to be part of something to help children or teenagers realize this, but what I need to do I know not at this moment. Anyone has ideas let me know. I hope I figure this out soon and try to help these kids who do not believe in themselves. They deserve so much more than some are given. So there are my thoughts of the day!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I love teaching Primary!!

So today I got to see two of my primary children get baptized. They are only two out of 7 i have seen and every time I get teary eyed. I am so proud and so happy for them! How great a job I have to help these wonderful little beings prepare for such a wonderful gift. These kids know more about the Gospel than I did at their age. They crave it and know it. I am truly impressed every time I teach. I started my life long career in Primary three years ago and I know I am going to be a lifer. I don't mind because I feel this is where I can serve the Lord better. I love going to church and sitting in that Primary room and feeling the pure spirit there. A child's faith and eagerness to learn the Gospel should be examples to us all. I know that I am child like and being as such has allowed me to grow in so many ways that it is wonderful and scary at the same time. Even times it can be annoying because I feel like I cant relate to others well, but I rather be able to learn the Gospel better and a little faster than having friends and a ton of boyfriends. I am happy to teach and I am learning more than I think my class is learning every time I teach. I am looking forward to learning and teaching the children. I know this brings me so much joy!! Primary is where it is at. (watch now I have said this i am going to be called into Young Womens, the calling that I fear most. I dont know if I could handle teenagers, but I will go where the Lord needs me. I hope he really wants me to stay in Primary!:)
