I noticed I haven't put any posts on for a while and thought I would write a little, but nothing new is happening. I like my job and learning more about being a teacher each day. I have been blessed so much by the Lord as many of you know that I don't have to pay all that money to COBRA because my insurance kicked in exactly 63 days after my last. I am so grateful for that. I have been stressing about it for a long time trying to figure out what I was going to do. The Lord has answered my prayers and I am truly humbled by it all. My dating life well, I have been trying to more, but I really just have no desire. I wish I did because I need to date, but the guys who are attracted to me now are, I don't know, not my type. There is the guy at work who is really nice that flirts with me and I would go out with him once if he asked me, but would never be more than friends with him. There is the newly divorced for one month guy that has two kids. I don't think I am emotionally mature to handle kids, a ex wife, and a newly dating man. Then there is the Provo boy and most of you know I am no Provo girl. I am not bad and I have a strong testimony, but I am a very open minded, accepting woman. Then there is the guy in West Jordan who I am a little more interested in, but I don't think he is as interested. Maybe I am making up excuses or maybe I am right. I don't know. It is that my heart is just not that into it for some reason. Believe me when I say I wish it was because I need to get out there and start over, but I really just have no desire. Anyways that is the update for now. The most exciting thing coming up is my beautiful niece's 2nd birthday. She is so cute and brings a lot of joy in my life. I absolutely adore her!!!!