Monday, April 20, 2009

Just got called to teach CTR!!!!

Yesterday I got released from nursery and called to teach CTR. I was pretty shocked because this class is preparing them for baptism. What a huge responsibility. I am excited though as I am in my early career in the primary.(my pat. blessing said I would have many callings with children.) So I am excited to teach those children as the prepare to become a member of the church and receive the gift of the holy ghost. I sort of remember me at that age. I remember the feelings I had that day and getting ready with my mom. It was an awesome day. Also yesterday I almost didnt go to church, but felt I had to go. Now I know why. Plus I needed to hear the lesson about being valiant. When the teacher said that the prophet Joseph Smith said something about being worthy to have such hard trials and how great that was. That struck me because I have been feeling like no one likes me and why even try anymore, but got this thought in my head that said, "stop feeling sorry for yourself and go and just live the gospel." It is such a true thing to remember. My life isnt that bad. I have a home, job, and a great family that loves me even though I am a mystery to them. Sometimes I feel like I cant do it, but I remember my dad. My Dad is a huge example because he was inactive for almost 30 years and searched for something to only come back to where he started. It takes a lot of courage to come back and very humbling. I am proud of him. Now he can give me blessings and has a temple recomend. So I guess I am saying that I figured out I can do it and just keep going. I am grateful for my life and the gospel. I dont know what I would do without it. Anyways I thought I would share that.


Becca and Billy said...

Congrats Sissy, you will do great!

celtbard_2000 said...

Congratulations Amy You have a gift working with children. Thanks for the compliment, DAD
