Monday, August 1, 2011

July, a rough month and tired of mormons getting a bad wrap, but oh well

Well July was a rough month for my family. We lost my dear aunt Nancy in tragic circumstances early in the month. It was kind of unexpected. As sad as it is losing her I know that she is with her parents, my grandma and grandpa and where she is experiencing a great love and understanding that she really needs. We were all there when she passed and that room was filled with love and peace. That is what is so amazing about the power of the Savior to give comfort to a family in a truly horrible situation. I am grateful for that. I don't know what I would do without it. That love and peace is so valuable to me and I am so glad to know it. What a blessing.
So as you read from the title I am a little frustrated, not mad, but sad. I recently was channel surfing and stopped on a local religious station where there was a 30 minute show all about how bad the Mormons are and how wrong they are. So I don't care that they don't share the same beliefs and I respect their beliefs, but seriously why don't you use those 30 minutes to talk about your beliefs instead of bashing another? I don't get it. I love other religions and respect their beliefs. We actually share similar beliefs if you really look at it. Also people think we are a hating religion, but that is not true. Yes there are some Mormons who say stupid things and are judgemental, but that is in other religions as well. For example people think we hate gay people. That is not true. I have an aunt who is gay and I love her. I also love her wife and their child. I don't hate them or not associate with them, in fact I am close to them. It is sad when some LDS people shun their family members who are gay. I know that our Father in Heaven loves them just as much as He loves me. I know He would be saddened by treating them badly. I do not fully understand why the Lord has said what He has about it, but I cant deny the other truths about the Gospel that I have prayed and fasted and received confirmation that it is true. One day maybe I will understand. Also it bothers me people say that President Monson is a hateful man. The prophet would be the first person to give anyone, drug addict, prostitute, or just an ordinary man a hug and say they are loved by him and the Lord. Finally I am also tired of the LDS people who say hateful things. They make us other Mormons who are doing their best to love everyone, respect and not judging them a bad wrap. I just wish they really worked better at understanding the Gospel deeper instead of living the cultural way. There is a difference. Oh well I must love the judgemental people as well. That is all I can do right? My flaw is I can be judgemental to judgemental people. Something I am working on!
This next month I hope to be a better one. I am turning one year older and going to Oregon, so that is exciting. Even though July has been a sad month for me, I am still pretty happy. The Lord has given me the strength to get through and continues to do so. I will always be grateful for this. I have a great family and a great life. What more can a girl ask for or need?

1 comment:

Esther said...

I'm there with ya. It's emotionally and even physically exhausting to hear all the negative comments about my faith. If someone chooses not to believe what I believe, that is their choice. But there is no justification for anyone to bash what I hold sacred. The fundamental reason our church is slandered so intensely is that the gospel is true. You & I know that Satan will do anything he can to halt or hinder the Lord's work. He is working overtime and we're going to receive even more persecution as the second coming draws nearer. All we can do is obey what the Lord has asked, and do our best to live in the world, but not of the world. You can pray for relief of the fatigue and drain that the opposition causes. It's helped me.

As far as not understanding why the Lord has said what he has said about homosexuality, go reread The Family: A Proclamation to the World.,4945,161-1-11-1,FF.html The omniscient Lord has a PERFECT plan. I know that with all my heart and soul. Homosexuality destroys and thwarts His plan, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. It doesn't mean, however, that anyone should be hated for their sexuality. We are commanded to love all men. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
