Thursday, December 11, 2008

So I got laid off!!!

As some of you know that I got laid off today. They say that we are struggling and because of my education and performance they chose me to lay off. The thing is I have never been told or written up for my performance. I got my 3% raise, which is the highest you can get at your yearly review, also which I never really got a review because my boss never scheaduled one. My education, well I just finished my CDA. I took the test and I am awaiting the results. I know I passed because it was easy. They paid for me to get it because Accreditation people want more educated people with degrees. So just because it hasn't gone through they chose me. They have just hired four new people last month who do not have the education I do or the experience, but they still chose me. This is what I believe the real reason I was laid off. Last week my director and I had a communication problem. We have had a problem communicating on this issue for the last few weeks. She kept walking away from me. So I got a little loud last Friday out of frustration. I did apologize to her and said we need to find a way to communicate better. She also talked about me to a coworker and said I was driving her crazy. We finally solved the problem, but not with her. My coworkers Jennifer, Whitney, and I figured it out. This is not the only time I have had a problem. I have always talked to her about things and have been respectful too. So I wrote a letter to her boss telling her we are having problems and I feel that the director has been doing inappropriate things at work, for example, she took off her bra and swung it around her head in the front office where people could walk in and see her. She always walks away from problems and other people solve it. I wrote a email saying that I would like some solutions because I am running out. Well her boss wrote me back and said that she will schedule a meeting with me. So that meeting was set today at 3:00. They came and got me at 10:30. Her boss was on the phone and told me that they had to let me go. I said why do I have to be laid off when all I did was say we had a problem that needed to be solved? They said that me getting laid off has nothing to do with it. I think this is crap. I have been there for four and a half years. I work hard, I go above and beyond all the time, I care for my families and the children, and I care for my coworkers. This is why I finally said something and this is what I get. I am upset. I am a great teacher who got let go because I stood up to help make things better. My families are pissed though. I went back to get my stuff because I didn't want to go in tomorrow, which was suppose to be my last day, and I ran into parents. They are not understanding what is going on. They don't get why it was me that had to go. They are not understanding out of all the new hires that would be the more likely candidates were not let go. I cant say anything to them what is really going on because I will lose my pay they are giving to me until the day after Christmas. I have been called by parents tonight who are mad and they say they are going to put a fight for me to get back. I got hugs by people I didn't think I would have given me and they told me that I have meant so much to their families. They are pissed off and apparently they have been yelling at admin and asking what is really going on because what they are saying is crap and they know it. My parents are smart and know when there is more to a story. They have all offered letters of reference and babysitting jobs. I am touched that they care and are upset. I love my families and they are one of the reasons I am so sad about me leaving. The thing that gets me is when I called to tell them I was getting my stuff tonight, the director told me that she has had a bad day and when I bumped into her outside she said that it was nothing personal. Whatever, she had a bad day!!! I am so mad and sad. This was not right, but what can I do. I know the Lord will help me and yes I probably made a mistake to email my regional manager, but I love that center so much and wanted it to be the quality it once was. I feel I didn't do anything wrong, but it cost me my job that I loved. I have faith that other things will come, but I am sad this had to end. I really loved my job.


Becca and Billy said...

Love you :)

odyssey52 said...

Thanks, I am really sad though. My parents want to fight it. One of them is a lawyer and wants me to look up lay offs in company policy. It is nice to know the families care.
