Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dating really does just suck

I really hate dating. Just when I think I am ready to date again men just remind me how dumb and jerky they are. It is getting to the point where I just want to give up. I mean I loved someone for a long time, even though he turned out to not deserve it, but at least I got to experience it right? I got to experience loving someone so much that I was willing to give up my life here and move to another country for him. I loved him so much that all that mattered was that he was happy and safe. Not very many people open their hearts that much and experience that. Even though Andy hurt me big time and treated me poorly in the end, but I am grateful to know I am capable of loving in that way. I am just tired of men just being mean because I am not some dumb skinny blond. I know I am a pretty girl and I am smart, which might make some men intimidated of me. I just really don't want to do it anymore. I mean I accept a person no matter what they look like because I don't care. As long as they are a good person who is good to me. That is all that matters to me, but no, they think they deserve a model. I am trying not to turn into a bitter girl, but the more I try to date the more I become bitter towards men. I just don't want to go through what I did last time. The whole Andy thing crushed me and I went a little weird for a while. I don't ever want to feel that devastated again. I mean it still hurts some days and some days I miss Andy, but mostly I am fine and don't care because I know he didn't care for me the way I did him and he treated me like I was not worth his time. So I want to give up. I am a great girl who doesn't deserve to be treated like I am nothing, but I do want to date too. I just am tired of the jerks. I know my older sister went through the jerks for years, but she handles it better than me. I am just tired of putting myself out there and be treated like I am not worth getting to know because I am overweight. I know I am hot, so good grief men, get over yourselves. Sorry had to vent. I will get over it. I am just a little frustrated at the moment. I will be fine. I know I will find someone, but the whole process sucks. My husband better be worth this wait big time. Just kidding.


Camille said...

Andy is an ASS! I hope he reads this.

odyssey52 said...

It wasnt Andy who wanted the model girl, even though Andy has been a jerk this last year or two. It was some guy who I have been taking to who is bigger than me who wanted a skinny girl. Also other boys wont talk to me because I am not skinny.It is really dumb.

Camille said...

My comment doesn't take your entire blog entry into account. Rather I just wanted it to be publically known what I think about Andy. :) That is my little vent.

On the other hand you are adorbable and deserve someone awesome.

And boys are dumb.
