Sunday, October 3, 2010

My love for Russia and the former Soviet countries

I know I have just recently posted something, but I had to share this. Today during the conference break I watched a program about the Ukrainian Temple. The first two minutes I was teary eyed. I love that part of the world. My love for the people comes from a place that I do not know where it came from or understand yet. I feel that I am a part of them or going to be a part of them one day. They have such wonderfully strong testimonies and such simple faith that I feel is lost at times here in Utah. These people have been through so much and continue to go through so much, but yet they have this amazing compassion, faith, and love that is inspiring. They understand hard work and sacrifice that a lot of us can not comprehend, but they are so strong and faithful. I am so happy for these people to finally have a working temple in their midst. I know they will not take it for granted. The work that is going on there is so important and they get that. My heart is touched by the love these people have for the Lord and His work. It took 12 years until they got the temple, but they were determined to make it happen. I can't wait until the day I finally get over there. I really want to live there and work with those people in serving the Lord. I can't wait until I finally can afford to visit there and be where I feel I am meant to be. I can't wait until I can go to that temple and do a session there. I hope I will be around when the Lord feels Russia is ready for a temple. I want to be there, if that happens, when it is dedicated. These people's love, dedication, and faith should be examples to us all. I know I get made fun of for my passion for these people, but know that I do have a deep love for them and again looking forward to going there eventually.

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